We aim to be the most transparent and open organisation in the NHS. We believe that you have a right to know everything about the care you receive and that your taxes pay for.
The NHS exists for patients and is paid for by taxpayers – both have a right to understand exactly what they are getting for their money. We publish our data here so that we are truly answerable to those with the biggest stake in our organisation.
In February 2013 Robert Francis’s report into the failings at the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust was published. The report called more transparency in the NHS. We have taken clear steps to get the ball rolling on this.
Clarity about what your taxes pay for
Patients and taxpayers should be able to see with complete clarity what they are getting for their money, so we have started published raw, anonymised data here on our site.
We believe that the analysis of this data can and will save the NHS and we are actively seeking a big data partner to help us analyse the very detailed data about how exactly patients get treated, and what the impact this treatment has on their outcomes.
This very detailed recording of activity and outcomes by individual should allow the development of a whole new generation of clinical management tools.
Find out more:
Why and how data with save the NHS
Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry