Listening to you and our staff
We constantly strive to improve what we do and how we do it by inviting feedback from patients and staff, and acting on it.

We exist for two reasons – to look after our patients to the best of our ability and to deliver to the taxpayer the best possible value for money. To do that we need to listen to both you the patients, and to our own staff.
Providing safe, high-quality services to our patients, service users and carers, is of paramount importance and it is essential that providers of health services learn from patients, service users and carers as to how services can be improved and developed to meet their needs.
It is important that anyone using our services is given the opportunity to feed back both compliments and concerns at any stage of his/her care.
We listen to our patients
We proactively invite patients to share feedback by letter, email, online or in person.
- Annual Patient Satisfaction Survey – Friends & Family Test
- Face to face patient feedback
- Care Opinion
- Feedback from the voluntary sector
- Feedback from GPs
Our staff tell us and we listen
There are a number of ways our staff can express how they feel about working with us at Bromley Healthcare, such as:
- Taking part in our annual staff survey
- Focused surveys on the services we offer
- Regular one-to-one meetings with their line manager
- Regular team meetings
- Regular Staff Forum meetings
- An anonymised online forum on our staff intranet
We listen to the comments raised and respond to them which helps us improve the services we offer.