Rapid Access Therapy Team (RATT)
The RATT provides assessment and treatment to support you in your own home. This team enables you by either preventing unnecessary admission to hospital, or by helping you to be safe at home sooner with extra support.
Many people prefer to be treated at home rather than in hospital. To make this possible, we have designed the RATT service, which provides assessment and treatment to support you in your own home. This service enables you either to avoid going into hospital, or to help you to be safer at home with extra input.
What is the Rapid Access Therapy Team (RATT)?
RATT is a new service developed by Bromley Healthcare, in collaboration with Bromley CCG and London Borough of Bromley, as part of the NHS’ Long Term Plan to support England’s ageing population and those with complex needs. It is different from the home service provided by community therapies because it is designed to offer more urgent clinical support for a maximum of 4 day.
The current average waiting time for the Rapid Access Therapy service is 1.4 weeks.
Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Personal information – Bromley Healthcare.
Who will be involved in my care?
A RATT clinician will coordinate your care. The RATT service includes, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Nursing Rehab Assistants, who will visit you in your home and provide the treatment that you need. They will keep in touch with your own GP and hospital staff, where appropriate.
Why have I been referred into the Rapid Assess Therapy Team?
You have been referred to the RATT because:
We believe you are at risk of having to go into hospital. The RATT service can help you stay as safe as possible, so that you can avoid having to go into hospital.
You have recently had a fall or in urgent need for therapy input or equipment, which can be best provided by the Rapid Access Therapy Team.
How does it work?
Once you are referred to the service, a member of the team will visit you at home to carry out an assessment and discuss the treatment that you need.
The team will act as a liaison between acute and community settings, by identifying the most appropriate onward referrals and initiating integrated care pathways.
Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Personal information – Bromley Healthcare.
More information
Download RATT service leaflet here.
Useful Contact Numbers
Rapid Access Therapy Team
020 8315 8750
Bromley Healthcare’s Care Coordination Centre
0300 330 5777
St Christopher’s Hospice
020 8768 4500
Bromley Social Services
020 8461 7777
Bromley Age UK
020 8315 1850
Bromley Well
0300 330 9039
020 8319 5680
NHS 111
Offers medical help and advice from fully trained advisers supported by experienced nurses and paramedics. (Available 24 hours a day.)
Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Personal information – Bromley Healthcare.
For professionals
Referrals are accepted from hospital, GP, social services and colleagues within BHC services. All referrals should be received via telephone call. This should be completed through the Single Point Access (SPA) 0208 315 8750 to complete a triage telephone call with a Senior Clinical Assessor.
Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Personal information – Bromley Healthcare.