Our aim is always to keep our patients and staff safe. This includes protecting them from the possible risk of infection and ensuring our policies are compliant with The Health & Social Care Act 2008 amended in 2010 to include the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections.
Our Infection Prevention and Control Decontamination Nurse offers expert advice and support to staff in matters relating to preventing and controlling infections and associated clinical risk management. This is done by assessing how best to prevent infection by having robust processes in place to ensure that the service provided matches the needs of our staff and the local population, is evidence-based and promotes best practice, which we continually strive to improve.
Our Infection Prevention and Control Nurse supports delivery of high quality clinical care by:
Acting as a specialist source of advice in relation to infection prevention and control.
Ensuring that infection prevention and control training is available for all staff. This training is mandatory for clinicians.
Conducting infection control audits to ensure service compliance with our policies and procedures.
Identifying and developing hand hygiene champions who can regularly audit clinicians practice around hand hygiene.
Ensuring high standards of cleanliness is maintained in the environment across all our sites.
Ensuring appropriate isolation of patients in any of our bedded units is adhered to.
Analysing infection incidents to ensure lessons are learnt.
Ensuring there is ongoing improvement in infection control standards in line with legislation/Care Quality Commission requirements.
Offering advice and support for clinicians who provide care to patients with infectious diseases.
Acting as a link between Bromley Healthcare and Public Health England.