C-Card condom vending machine at Bromley College

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Bromley Healthcare’s Health Improvement Service is pleased to announce the launch of the C-Card condom vending machine at Bromley College. The machine dispenses free condoms for young people aged 16-24 years who have joined the London C-Card scheme.

This innovative development means that young people over the age of 16 who attend the college and have registered to the scheme will be able to access condoms in a discreet and confidential manner. It is thought that the C-Card scheme in Bromley has contributed to the lowest under 18 conception rates that the borough has ever had.

The launch will take place at Bromley College on Thursday 10th March between 12-2 pm. Health Improvement staff and Bromley College Student Liaison staff will be on hand to sign students up to the C-Card scheme and assist them in using the machine.

Our experienced practitioners will also be able to offer advice and support around practicing safe sex and accessing sexual health services.


Notes for editors:
1. About Bromley Healthcare

Bromley Healthcare was established in 2011 as an employee-owned social enterprise that ‘spun-out’ of the NHS. The organisation runs community health services in Bromley, Bexley, Croydon and Lewisham, providing a wide range of services to people of all ages. Services range from health visiting to district nursing, school nurses to specialist nurses, therapy services for adults and children, urgent care centres, services to help prevent hospital admissions and also facilitate early hospital discharge.

A leading provider for community health services Bromley Healthcare is a community interest company formed of over 850 people delivering high-quality NHS services, to people of all ages in the local community. The key to its success has been the emphasis it places on maximising best practice from both the private sector and the NHS.

For more information visit www.bromleyhealthcare.org.uk
2. What is the London C-Card?

The London C-Card is a pan London free condom scheme aimed at young people aged 14-24. This means that young people can access free condoms in Bromley as well as any other participating boroughs. Currently 26 boroughs in and around London are part of this scheme. For more information on the C-Card scheme or online registration, please contact sophie.mccleave@bromleyhealthcare-cic.nhs.uk 020 8315 8711