Bromley Healthcare raising awareness of HIV and STIs in Bromley

wisDOM is a scheme providing free condoms and confidential HIV and STI prevention advice to the African and Afro-Caribbean community in Bromley. The scheme is available to people aged 16 or over that live, work or study in the borough. Members of the community meeting these criteria can take the condoms free of charge and in confidence.

Bromley Healthcare are launching this new look scheme to coincide with World AIDS day. Held on 1 December each year, World AIDS day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, and show their support to all those affected by it.

Bromley Healthcare will use World AIDS Day as an opportunity to raise awareness of HIV, offer free instant testing, promote safer sex messages to all communities and highlight the importance of early testing for HIV.

‘HIV awareness is more important today than ever as prevalence in Bromley has increased over the past year to 2.65 people per 1000,” says Nicolette Lawrence from Bromley Healthcare’s health improvement team. “With nearly half of new cases being diagnosed late and 17% of HIV positive people being unaware of their status, getting tested early is key.”

The Health Improvement Service will be offering free, instant finger-prick, HIV testing
from the following locations throughout HIV testing week:

Friday 27 November 11am-5pm

Saturday 28 November 11am-5pm
MACK’S PHARMACY, 165 High Street, Penge
(These will be carried out by campaign partners Metro)

Monday 30 November 10am-4pm
INFORMATION STAND, Beckenham Beacon foyer

World AIDS Day – 1 December 11am-5pm

Wednesday 2 December 3.30pm-7pm
Contraception Clinic, Kimmeridge Road, Mottingham
HIV awareness is more important than ever given that HIV rates in the UK continue to rise. A total of 6151 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in the UK in 2014. 17% of people with HIV are unaware they have it. It can affect anyone.
(HIV New Disgnoses, Treatment and Care in the UK, Health Protection Agency 2015)
Testing is one of the most effective prevention methods. With treatment (anti-retroviral therapy) people can lead healthy normal lives. Treatment is more effective in early diagnosis and can result in an undetectable viral load, which reduces the likelihood of transmission even further.

Free condoms can be obtained at participating outlets or by post via our Facebook page, phone, text or email. wisDOM is co-ordinated by the Health Improvement Service at Bromley Healthcare.

For further information on the wisDOM scheme
Contact the Health Improvement Service

020 8315 8932


For more information contact Raman Janack in our media office on 020 8315 8741 or email

Notes for editors:

About Bromley Healthcare
Bromley Healthcare was established in 2011 as an employee-owned social enterprise that ‘spun-out’ of the NHS. The organisation runs community health services in Bromley, Greenwich, Bexley, Croydon, Lewisham and Suffolk, providing a wide range of services to people of all ages. Services range from health visiting to district nursing, school nurses to specialist nurses, therapy services for adults and children, urgent care centres, services to help prevent hospital admissions and also facilitate early hospital discharge. For more information visit

METRO is a leading equality & diversity charity, providing health, community & youth services across London & the South East & national & international projects. METRO promotes health, wellbeing, equality & participation through youth services, mental health & wellbeing services, sexual & reproductive health & HIV services and community participation & involvement

Facts and stats about HIV/AIDS
• An estimated 103,700 people are living with HIV in the UK. Of these, 17 per cent are undiagnosed and do not know about their HIV infection.
• In 2014, 613 people with HIV died.
• There were 6,151new HIV diagnoses in 2014.
• Two-fifths (40 per cent) of people diagnosed with HIV in 2014 were diagnosed late, after they should have already started treatment.
• Of new HIV diagnoses in 2014, 55 per cent were among men who have sex with men (MSM).
• Just over one in four people (27 per cent) living with diagnosed HIV is aged 50 years or over.
• There has been a 2 per cent decrease in testing at sexual health clinics over the last year.
All data is taken from Public Health England.