The NHS in south east London is working with GPs, volunteers, and faith leaders at the Al-Emaan Mosque in Keston to offer the COVID-19 vaccination to people of all faiths and none.
The Al-Emaan Mosque was one of the first mosques in the country to open its doors to vaccinate residents. Dr Omar Taha, Bromley GP, trustee of the Mosque and the driving force behind the clinic at the Mosque said, “My message is simple, for those of you offered the vaccine, in particular those who are high risk, please do get yourselves vaccinated. Scientists have reviewed the data; independent regulatory bodies have reviewed the evidence and these vaccines are safe and effective. Please do protect yourselves so we can all move forward from this pandemic”.
The COVID-19 vaccine does not contain components of animal origin. A VACCINATION DOES NOT BREAK YOUR FAST.
Read more here about the COVID-19 vaccination during Ramadan.