The CCG is holding a patient conference on 2 September 2019. All patients and residents of Bromley are welcome.
Numbers are limited, so please do confirm attendance at
Patient Conference- Monday 2 September from 2pm to 4.30pm at the Bromley Baptist Church. Lunch will be provided from 1.30pm onwards.
Proposed outline agenda:
- Welcome
- How we used your feedback from January patient conference
- One Bromley- quick overview on the difference working in a joined up way is making to local people.
- Primary Care Networks (PCN):
-What will what is a PCN
-What will working in this way mean for patients?
-Table discussions focused on areas of influence patients can have on enhanced service provision within PCNs - Improving outpatient services in Bromley- table discussions on:
-What are the positives about how we plan to provide outpatient care in a different way
-What concerns do you have and how do we overcome them?
-What you value from outpatient services
-How we can better support people need to better manage their long term conditions - Question panel with senior leadership team and other partners in Bromley