The Children and Families Act 2014 introduced reforms to improve learning and life outcomes for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D). The reforms are designed to place our children and young people at the heart of the system, to focus on what is important to them and what is needed to help them grow up and flourish within their local community.
Since the introduction of the reforms, Bromley has completed a review of its arrangements for SEN/D across the local area which culminated in ‘Our Journey to Excellence: SEND Strategic Vision and Priorities 2018/19’. The five strategic priorities are be addressed through a detailed action plan. To monitor the impact of the collective actions on the experiences of children and their families, we are collecting the views of young people, parents and professionals using a set of questions derived from the success criteria in the action plan.
The survey is available here.
This link can be used by parents and carers, young people and professionals. The closing date for the first round is 30 November 2018. The survey will be repeated termly to monitor progress.
The survey responses will be reported to the SEND Governance Board, which is leading the implementation of the SEND reforms, and will also be available on the local offer website.