Self-care Week 2020 (16 – 22 November)
Self Care Week is an annual national awareness week that focuses on establishing support for self care across communities, families and generations.
More needs to be done to support people to better look after their own health. Empowering individuals to self care has many benefits for their short term and long term health and this is important since people are living longer.
Helping people to look after their own health, and their family’s health also helps to manage demand on health services.
Here are some small steps you and your family can take to help make better health changes in your life…
Self-care for life
Think self care for your life and your family’s life .
Mental Health
Be mindful of your self, health and happiness always. Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Every Mind Matters have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
You local pharmacist is the health professional on the High Street. Find a pharmacy close to you by clicking here.
NHS website
Check your health conditions and know what to do next:
Don’t spend four hours in A&E with a cough or cold – treat yourself or take advice from your pharmacist.
Activity is key to long term physical health and mental wellbeing. Find out more about physical activity guidelines for adults and physical activities for children.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. Find out how you can maintain a balanced diet:
Occupational Health
Don’t work through your lunch break – look after your health.
Antibiotics don’t work on sore throats, coughs or colds. Always take your doctors advice – if you don’t need antibiotics don’t take them! Find out more by clicking here.