We’re looking for local volunteers to read information on our website, in leaflets, in policy documents, and to provide feedback so that our written information is clear.
What would I do?
You’ll check if the information is easy to read, makes sense, and really explains what it’s supposed to. We want to know if:
• everything is written clearly
• its easy to understand
• there are any confusing words or bits that need more explanation
• you are left with any questions
• you think anything is missing
How does it work?
To keep things environmentally-friendly, we’ll send you the information by email. After you’ve had a look, you just send us your thoughts in a quick form. If you have any accessibility needs that requires you to have a paper copy, we can provide you with this and send a stamped envelope for you to send your feedback back to us.
What happens with my feedback?
We will generally give you 10 days to review the document. We will then send any feedback to the author, who will use your suggestions to make improvements before it gets published. We’ll let you know when the document gets published.
Why should I join?
Your help will make sure our health information works for everyone in the community, no matter their background or health knowledge. It’s a great way to make a real difference!
If you want to help out, just email our Engagement Team at bromh.engagement@nhs.net or send a text to 07745 743 996. Help us make our information the best it can be!