Help to shape the future of the NHS in South East London
The NHS has to continually move forward so that in 10 years time the service is fit for the future. The NHS Long Term Plan has been drawn up by frontline staff, patients groups, and national experts to create an ambitious but realistic plan.
Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL), a partnership of local NHS organisations, councils and other key stakeholders, invites you to help make some big decisions on what this means for our area. Below are details of upcoming events where we hope you will be able to join in and have your say.
There are two events in each of the South East London boroughs during July.
1. Borough event – this will provide an opportunity to share your views to help shape the future of the NHS in that borough and across south east London.
2. Topic event – this will focus on an area relevant for the whole of south east London.
The Bromley events due to take place on Thursday 25 July 2019 at Community House, Bromley have been cancelled due to the weather. Alternative dates will be announced soon.
You can also help by taking part in a short OHSEL survey which will help in making decisions about the future of the NHS in south east London. You can find the survey here.