This week is Dementia Action Week! Getting a diagnosis can be daunting, but we believe it’s better to know. And so do 91% of people affected by dementia.
If you or a loved one is experiencing memory loss, it could be a sign of dementia.
According to the Alzheimer’s Society, research shows that the misconception around memory loss being a sign of normal ageing is the biggest barrier to people seeking a dementia diagnosis.
With diagnosis rates falling to a five-year low, they are encouraging those who might be living with undiagnosed dementia to get guidance and support and feel empowered to take the next step.
Over 9 in 10 people affected by dementia say getting a diagnosis has benefitted them. It allows them to receive practical advice and support, to plan for the future, and can even offer a sense of relief in knowing what’s going on.
Alzheimer’s Society offers dedicated advice and support for anyone concerned that they or someone close to them may be experiencing signs of dementia.
Support is just a phone call or click away.