Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group has selected Bromley Healthcare as the successful provider to deliver the Bromley Community Services Contracts. The contracts commence on 1st December 2017 for a 5 year period with an option to extend for a further 2 years.
The contracts award will allow Bromley Healthcare to build on the work the organisation has been carrying out for the last six years as the current community provider. During this time Bromley Healthcare has had patient satisfaction scores consistently in excess of 98% (the highest in London), were awarded a ‘good’ CQC rating across all services, and received numerous awards including two Bromley Business awards.
Bromley Healthcare’s CEO Jacqui Scott said “Following a comprehensive and robust procurement process we are delighted to be awarded these new contracts to provide community health services in Bromley.
We now look forward to working closely with Bromley CCG and the Bromley GP Alliance and other partners in delivery of these important contracts for the next five years and beyond. This will allow us to continue with our commitment to continually improve our services for the people of Bromley”