The Bromley 0 to 19 Public Health Service launches on 1 October 2020. The service will be a consolidation of Health Visiting, Family Nurse Partnership, School Nursing and the Primary School Screening Programme service.
The service is based on the Department of Health’s Healthy Child Programme 0-19 years and includes universal access and early identification and support of additional and/or complex needs.
The London Borough of Bromley has commissioned Bromley Healthcare to deliver this new service for children and young people in Bromley aged between 0 and 19 years. Collaborative working between Health Visitors, Family Nurses and School Nurses with shared records and a single point of access will result in a more integrated and holistic service for children, young people and their families in Bromley.
If you have a question about this service please email: bromh.bromley0to19@nhs.net or visit: bromley0to19.co.uk to find out more.