You can now book appointments for some Bromley Healthcare services quickly and securely using a link sent directly to your mobile phone, through the trusted Accurx system.
You’ll be able to choose a convenient date, time, and location online. Once booked, you’ll also receive reminders, helping to keep appointments on track.
How it works
You’ll receive a text from “NHSNoReply with a link to book and manage your appointment. Just follow these easy steps:
1. Click the link in the text, which will direct you to the booking page.
2. Enter your date of birth.
3. Select the date, time, and clinic location that works best for you.
4. Review the details and confirm your booking.
5. Once completed, you’ll see a booking confirmation message on the screen and you’ll receive a text confirming your appointment. You can also add the appointment to your calendar by selecting Add to Calendar.
You’ll receive reminders 7 days and 72 hours before the appointment.
Need to Cancel? If you need to cancel, simply follow the link in the text reminder and enter your date of birth. Confirm the cancellation, and you’ll receive a text message to let you know it’s been processed. If you need to reschedule, please call us on 0300 330 5777.
Whilst we appreciate that things don’t always go to plan and you might need to cancel, we ask you to try to attend your scheduled appointment where possible or cancel at least 7 days in advance so we can offer the appointment to someone else.
How to recognise our texts
If you receive a message like this:
“You have an appointment with Bromley Healthcare. Click here to book: [link]”,it’s genuine. Our messages will come from “NHSNoReply,” so you can feel confident following the link to schedule your appointment. If you have any questions, please call us on 0300 330 5777.
Is your contact information up to date?
It’s important that your contact details are up to date so that you can receive reminders and booking links. You can do this in a few easy ways:
- NHS App: Update your contact details through the NHS App.
- Online: Click here for NHS online services
- GP Surgery: Visit your GP practice to update your information in person.
Privacy and Accessibility
Our booking system is securely integrated with NHS patient records, so your details are kept safe and accurate. Appointments are booked and managed through an NHS-approved software provider called Accurx. Find out more about how your booking information is managed: Accurx for patients
For more information on how we handle your data, see our Privacy policy.
We’re pleased to bring this convenient option to our communities, supporting accessible healthcare for people the way they want it. We also understand that not everyone has the ability to connect to the internet and go online. We offer alternatives to those who are unable to use our online booking system.