One Bromley partnership commits to supporting unpaid Carers

One Bromley, the local partnership between the health, social care and voluntary sectors has published a Carers Charter for Carers Week. This Charter represents a shared approach across health, social care, and the voluntary sector to better engage, support, and involve unpaid carers.

Unpaid carers play a crucial role in our community, often balancing their own needs with the demands of caring for a loved one who is unwell or unable to manage independently. According to 2021 Census data, there are over 25,000 unpaid carers in Bromley, though this is likely an underestimate, with the Carers Trust suggesting there could be over 30,000.

The Charter outlines four key commitments:

  • ensuring staff are trained to recognise and understand the needs of carers
  • providing tailored information and support to help them in their role
  • actively identifying and involving carers as partners in planning care
  • incorporating their voices into decisions when commissioning carers’ support services

Bromley Healthcare is dedicated to ensuring unpaid carers feel valued and supported. Copies of the Charter will be displayed in public areas of all our clinics across Bromley.

Are you supporting someone?

If you’re supporting a loved one, read the Charter to see how services have committed to working and supporting you in your caring role.

For details of local carers support services, download the Key Contacts list.

Look out for the Charter in your local health centre.