Bromley Coronavirus testing services
If you are worried about possible Coronavirus infection, please go online to NHS 111 online. The NHS 111 online service will ask you a few questions about your symptoms, before telling you what to do next.
Please do not attend hospital, your GP practice or community swabbing services without having first used the NHS 111 online service and being directed for testing.
This is a nationally agreed arrangement. Local Bromley services and healthcare professionals on the front line cannot bypass this route by testing people who have not been referred by NHS111. This is also true for members of your family or friends who might also want to be tested after they have had contact with you or are with you when you get tested. For example, family members in the same vehicle as you or at home with you will each need an NHS111 referral obtained from its online service in order to get tested.
We thank you for your patience at this busy time.