Wheelchair and special seating

If you use a wheelchair or have just been advised that you may need one, the Wheelchair and special seating assessment service are here to help.

Find out more about Wheelchair and special seating


Bromley Healthcare’s Wheelchair and Special Seating service is a specialist NHS service providing wheelchairs and wheelchair seating for long-term mobility needs, including manual and powered wheelchairs; this includes assessment, provision of a wheelchair or cushion and on-going equipment maintenance. Our expert knowledge will help you to ensure that you get the right kind of wheelchair for your needs, support you on an ongoing basis and be there to help when you need advice or repairs.

To access the Bromley Wheelchair and Special Seating service you must:

–  Be registered with a GP in the borough of Bromley
–  Referred by a health care professional*
–  Be of limited mobility, with a long term restriction of walking ability (over 6 months)
–  Need regular wheelchair use
–  Be able to self propel with no medical contra-indications to this activity, or, if unable to self-propel, have a regular carer who can push the wheelchair safely

*If you are an existing client with the wheelchair service, you may re-refer and contact the service directly.

Bromley Wheelchair and Special Seating service does not provide:

–  Outdoor only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters
–  Armchairs or other static seating
–  Shower or commode chairs
–  Transit wheelchairs for nursing or residential home use
–  Attendant operated power packs for manual wheelchairs
–  Powered accessories including equipment to convert a manual wheelchair into a powered wheelchair

The Bromley Healthcare wheelchair service partakes in the Personal Wheelchair Budget scheme. This allows you flexibility over the chair provided with the aim being to ensure that our wheelchair best meets your needs.

You can find more information on how the Personal Wheelchair Budget works in our leaflet Personal Wheelchair Options FAQ

For more information please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.

The current average waiting time for the Wheelchair and Special Seating service is 19.1 weeks.

Using this service

To use this service for the first time you’ll need a referral from your doctor (GP) or another healthcare professional such as a doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or specialist nurse. If you think you would benefit from this service, please speak to one of these people first. If you are already known to the service, it is fine to contact us directly, without the need for a new referral.


Who this service is for

The service supports adults and children with a long-term disability (more than six months) or the terminally ill. You must be registered with a Bromley GP.


Your first appointment

A member of our specialist team will talk to you to find our more about your condition and your needs. Once we have a good idea of what the best solution is we will discuss this with you, offering advice about which wheelchair and any additional seating will best suit your life and support your medical condition.

Changing or cancelling an apointment

If you are unable to come to your appointment please call our office, giving as much notice as possible. If you are unwell on the day of your appointment, please call to cancel. It may not be possible to confirm a new appointment until the relevant member of our team is able to return your call.

Wheelchair maintenance service

Delivery, collection and repair service – Inspire Community Trust
The repair service is only available for wheelchairs provided by this service.
Phone: 01322 520570
Email: AR@inspiremedicare.org
Open Hours: 09:00-17:00 Mon/Fri


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a wheelchair?

The wheelchair service aims to work to an 18 week pathway from referral to provision of equipment.  Some stock equipment may be provided much more quickly and there is a longer wait on some specialist assessments and equipment. Referrers are asked to make referrals as timely as possible and recognise the wheelchair service is not set up as a rapid response or acute service.

Who can refer a client to the Wheelchair service?

–  Individuals with a wheelchair from us can re-refer themselves for a review

–  GPs, health and social care professionals (must be a GP referral for an EPIOC).

Health or social care professionals (other than GPs) should complete our one-day accreditation course. (GPs are also welcome to attend the course, although it is not a requirement.) Please contact us to book a place.

Who is eligible for a wheelchair and related seating from the Bromley Wheelchair service?

• Long-term need for a wheelchair, i.e. 6 months or more AND

• Anticipated regular wheelchair use, defined as at least 4 days a week or more

Attendant propelled or self-propelled manual wheelchairs are available, as well as powered wheelchairs in certain circumstances

Please see the full criteria for further information.

Are electrically powered wheelchairs available? Yes, under the criteria as below.

(Following a referral for a powered wheelchair we will send out a pack to the client which needs to be completed prior to the referral being progressed)

• Outdoor-only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters are NOT provided

• Powered wheelchairs are available for indoor use (i.e. in home setting, at school or day centre use if travelling via transport)

• Indoor powered wheelchair may be used part-time to support mobility, or full-time

• Clients MUST still meet general wheelchair service criteria above for long-term need and regular use

• The client’s environment must be suitable for powered wheelchair use before one can be provided

• Powered wheelchairs are generally not provided for hospital discharge

For clients who use an indoor powered wheelchair for all their mobility, there is a separate referral process for indoor/outdoor powered wheelchairs.

As a referrer, please establish anticipated powered mobility use clearly before making a referral. This prevents disappointment for clients who do not need an indoor powered wheelchair and keeps the overall waiting list down.

Please see the full criteria for further information.

What about the client’s environment?

Equipment is provided based on an individual’s needs. Referrers are encouraged to consider access needs in anticipation of wheelchair referral and are to liaise with the wheelchair service. Environmental needs are considered as far as possible but an entirely different wheelchair will not be provided for environmental needs alone.

Do you provide any additional equipment for private wheelchairs?

Seat cushions only are provided for private wheelchairs where there is no safety risk and client otherwise meets provision criteria. No other equipment is provided for private wheelchairs.

Do you provide headrests and trays?

These are provided only in specific circumstances. Trays are not designed to replace a suitable table in the environment and headrests cannot substitute for a suitable vehicle transport system. Please see the full service criteria for further information and guidance.

What is NOT provided by the Wheelchair service?

• Outdoor only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters

• Armchairs or other static seating (wheelchairs are provided for mobility purposes and not as a replacement for suitable static seating.)

• Attendant-operated power packs for manual wheelchairs

• Shower or commode chairs

• E-fix’ or other systems to convert a manual wheelchair into a powered wheelchair

• Transit wheelchairs for nursing or residential home use, except in very specific cases

Please see criteria for further details.

Do you provide ‘lightweight’ wheelchairs?

We provide a range of equipment based on a client’s mobility needs. The equipment has to be durable and rated for the client’s weight. We are unable to provide lighter wheelchairs solely for carer needs.

The personal Wheelchair Budget scheme is available to offer additional client choice.

What is a Personal Wheelchair Budget?

A Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB) is a scheme offered to provide a wider choice for wheelchair users. At your assessment you will work with a clinician to identify what you want to achieve with your wheelchair. If the clinician identifies that a new wheelchair is required you will be prescribed an NHS Wheelchair and will be told the cost of this provision, this is your Personal Wheelchair Budget.

Useful links

Information on wheelchair accessible vehicles and purchasing a car through the Motability scheme

Queen Elizabeth Foundation
Impartial advice on powered wheelchairs, wheelchair lifts, ‘top boxes’ for wheelchairs and wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

Carers Bromley
Local information for carers

VTB Mobility
A family run business which offers scooters on a daily basis free of charge to local members to explore the high street and maintain independence.

Kent Mobility Ltd
Kent Mobility has been supplying, servicing and repairing mobility aids, rehabilitation and lifting equipment for over 20 years and is an approved NHS wheelchair voucher scheme supplier

Shopmobility UK
Shopmobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered  wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited  mobility to shop and to visit leisure and commercial facilities within  the town, city or shopping centre.

Transport for London – information for disabled travellers
Information about getting around London if you have a disability, including accessible stations, buses and underground facilities.



You may find one of these leaflets helpful.

Your guide to the Motability car scheme
Information about getting an adapted car through the Motability scheme. This leaflet is provided by Motability.

Wheelchair and Special Seating assessment
Information on our service and how we can support you.

Personal Wheelchair Options
Frequently asked questions about Personal Wheelchair Budget options.

Reduce your risk of developing pressure ulcers
The causes, signs and symptoms and how to reduce your risk of developing pressure ulcers.

Information for carers about pressure ulcers
What is a pressure ulcer, what to look out for and where they may occur.

Could it be sepsis?
Information and advice for patients and carers on sepsis.

Your care, your feedback
How to give positive feedback or share your concerns or complaints.



How to measure for a wheelchair

Rea Azalea demonstration

Pressure ulcer prevention

For professionals

Patients can be referred via the Single Point of Entry form on EMIS.

Technical and service lead: Jok Morrice


Bromley Healthcare’s Wheelchair and Special Seating service is a specialist NHS service providing wheelchairs and wheelchair seating for long-term mobility needs, including manual and powered wheelchairs; this includes assessment, provision of a wheelchair or cushion and on-going equipment maintenance. Our expert knowledge will help you to ensure that you get the right kind of wheelchair for your needs, support you on an ongoing basis and be there to help when you need advice or repairs.

To access the Bromley Wheelchair and Special Seating service you must:

–  Be registered with a GP in the borough of Bromley
–  Referred by a health care professional*
–  Be of limited mobility, with a long term restriction of walking ability (over 6 months)
–  Need regular wheelchair use
–  Be able to self propel with no medical contra-indications to this activity, or, if unable to self-propel, have a regular carer who can push the wheelchair safely

*If you are an existing client with the wheelchair service, you may re-refer and contact the service directly.

Bromley Wheelchair and Special Seating service does not provide:

–  Outdoor only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters
–  Armchairs or other static seating
–  Shower or commode chairs
–  Transit wheelchairs for nursing or residential home use
–  Attendant operated power packs for manual wheelchairs
–  Powered accessories including equipment to convert a manual wheelchair into a powered wheelchair

The Bromley Healthcare wheelchair service partakes in the Personal Wheelchair Budget scheme. This allows you flexibility over the chair provided with the aim being to ensure that our wheelchair best meets your needs.

You can find more information on how the Personal Wheelchair Budget works in our leaflet Personal Wheelchair Options FAQ

For more information please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.

The current average waiting time for the Wheelchair and Special Seating service is 19.1 weeks.

Using this service

To use this service for the first time you’ll need a referral from your doctor (GP) or another healthcare professional such as a doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or specialist nurse. If you think you would benefit from this service, please speak to one of these people first. If you are already known to the service, it is fine to contact us directly, without the need for a new referral.


Who this service is for

The service supports adults and children with a long-term disability (more than six months) or the terminally ill. You must be registered with a Bromley GP.


Your first appointment

A member of our specialist team will talk to you to find our more about your condition and your needs. Once we have a good idea of what the best solution is we will discuss this with you, offering advice about which wheelchair and any additional seating will best suit your life and support your medical condition.

Changing or cancelling an apointment

If you are unable to come to your appointment please call our office, giving as much notice as possible. If you are unwell on the day of your appointment, please call to cancel. It may not be possible to confirm a new appointment until the relevant member of our team is able to return your call.

Wheelchair maintenance service

Delivery, collection and repair service – Inspire Community Trust
The repair service is only available for wheelchairs provided by this service.
Phone: 01322 520570
Email: AR@inspiremedicare.org
Open Hours: 09:00-17:00 Mon/Fri


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a wheelchair?

The wheelchair service aims to work to an 18 week pathway from referral to provision of equipment.  Some stock equipment may be provided much more quickly and there is a longer wait on some specialist assessments and equipment. Referrers are asked to make referrals as timely as possible and recognise the wheelchair service is not set up as a rapid response or acute service.

Who can refer a client to the Wheelchair service?

–  Individuals with a wheelchair from us can re-refer themselves for a review

–  GPs, health and social care professionals (must be a GP referral for an EPIOC).

Health or social care professionals (other than GPs) should complete our one-day accreditation course. (GPs are also welcome to attend the course, although it is not a requirement.) Please contact us to book a place.

Who is eligible for a wheelchair and related seating from the Bromley Wheelchair service?

• Long-term need for a wheelchair, i.e. 6 months or more AND

• Anticipated regular wheelchair use, defined as at least 4 days a week or more

Attendant propelled or self-propelled manual wheelchairs are available, as well as powered wheelchairs in certain circumstances

Please see the full criteria for further information.

Are electrically powered wheelchairs available? Yes, under the criteria as below.

(Following a referral for a powered wheelchair we will send out a pack to the client which needs to be completed prior to the referral being progressed)

• Outdoor-only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters are NOT provided

• Powered wheelchairs are available for indoor use (i.e. in home setting, at school or day centre use if travelling via transport)

• Indoor powered wheelchair may be used part-time to support mobility, or full-time

• Clients MUST still meet general wheelchair service criteria above for long-term need and regular use

• The client’s environment must be suitable for powered wheelchair use before one can be provided

• Powered wheelchairs are generally not provided for hospital discharge

For clients who use an indoor powered wheelchair for all their mobility, there is a separate referral process for indoor/outdoor powered wheelchairs.

As a referrer, please establish anticipated powered mobility use clearly before making a referral. This prevents disappointment for clients who do not need an indoor powered wheelchair and keeps the overall waiting list down.

Please see the full criteria for further information.

What about the client’s environment?

Equipment is provided based on an individual’s needs. Referrers are encouraged to consider access needs in anticipation of wheelchair referral and are to liaise with the wheelchair service. Environmental needs are considered as far as possible but an entirely different wheelchair will not be provided for environmental needs alone.

Do you provide any additional equipment for private wheelchairs?

Seat cushions only are provided for private wheelchairs where there is no safety risk and client otherwise meets provision criteria. No other equipment is provided for private wheelchairs.

Do you provide headrests and trays?

These are provided only in specific circumstances. Trays are not designed to replace a suitable table in the environment and headrests cannot substitute for a suitable vehicle transport system. Please see the full service criteria for further information and guidance.

What is NOT provided by the Wheelchair service?

• Outdoor only powered wheelchairs or mobility scooters

• Armchairs or other static seating (wheelchairs are provided for mobility purposes and not as a replacement for suitable static seating.)

• Attendant-operated power packs for manual wheelchairs

• Shower or commode chairs

• E-fix’ or other systems to convert a manual wheelchair into a powered wheelchair

• Transit wheelchairs for nursing or residential home use, except in very specific cases

Please see criteria for further details.

Do you provide ‘lightweight’ wheelchairs?

We provide a range of equipment based on a client’s mobility needs. The equipment has to be durable and rated for the client’s weight. We are unable to provide lighter wheelchairs solely for carer needs.

The personal Wheelchair Budget scheme is available to offer additional client choice.

What is a Personal Wheelchair Budget?

A Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB) is a scheme offered to provide a wider choice for wheelchair users. At your assessment you will work with a clinician to identify what you want to achieve with your wheelchair. If the clinician identifies that a new wheelchair is required you will be prescribed an NHS Wheelchair and will be told the cost of this provision, this is your Personal Wheelchair Budget.

Useful links

Information on wheelchair accessible vehicles and purchasing a car through the Motability scheme

Queen Elizabeth Foundation
Impartial advice on powered wheelchairs, wheelchair lifts, ‘top boxes’ for wheelchairs and wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

Carers Bromley
Local information for carers

VTB Mobility
A family run business which offers scooters on a daily basis free of charge to local members to explore the high street and maintain independence.

Kent Mobility Ltd
Kent Mobility has been supplying, servicing and repairing mobility aids, rehabilitation and lifting equipment for over 20 years and is an approved NHS wheelchair voucher scheme supplier

Shopmobility UK
Shopmobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered  wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited  mobility to shop and to visit leisure and commercial facilities within  the town, city or shopping centre.

Transport for London – information for disabled travellers
Information about getting around London if you have a disability, including accessible stations, buses and underground facilities.



You may find one of these leaflets helpful.

Your guide to the Motability car scheme
Information about getting an adapted car through the Motability scheme. This leaflet is provided by Motability.

Wheelchair and Special Seating assessment
Information on our service and how we can support you.

Personal Wheelchair Options
Frequently asked questions about Personal Wheelchair Budget options.

Reduce your risk of developing pressure ulcers
The causes, signs and symptoms and how to reduce your risk of developing pressure ulcers.

Information for carers about pressure ulcers
What is a pressure ulcer, what to look out for and where they may occur.

Could it be sepsis?
Information and advice for patients and carers on sepsis.

Your care, your feedback
How to give positive feedback or share your concerns or complaints.



How to measure for a wheelchair

Rea Azalea demonstration

Pressure ulcer prevention

For professionals

Patients can be referred via the Single Point of Entry form on EMIS.

Technical and service lead: Jok Morrice

Our Wheelchair and special seating clinic locations

For general enquiries about our service email us: bromley.wheelchairservice@nhs.net

Emergency out of Hours 07.00 - 09.00 and 17.00 - 23.00 everyday including weekends and bank holidays
The Emergency Out of Hours service will only visit your home or a local hospital if you are an in-patient.