Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Assurance
Summary of NHS England Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Assurance Visit October 2016
Bromley Healthcare are pleased to announce that we achieved the rating: ‘Substantial’.
Assurance Review Team Summary:
- Continued progress has been made over the past twelve months in areas of EPRR and in continuing to embed Business Continuity.
- There has been an obvious and significant commitment by the organisation to EPRR.
The key priorities for the next twelve months include:
- Finesse the Major Incident Plan.
- Clarification of Strategic, Tactical and Operational roles.
- Further developing the Bromley Healthcare Hazmat and CBRN plan, Identifying personnel for Hazmat / CBRN IOR training, embedding IOR within the plan.
- Further development of the process within procurement to identify suppliers Business Continuity Plans.
Continuing areas of good practice including:
- Clear and well laid out EPRR policy.
- Capturing and sharing lessons identified post event or exercise.
- Good BC links between Service Area and Corporate plans.
- Active engagement of the AEO through the Emergency Planning Group and Board.
NHS England (London) EPRR / Panel-agreed actions as follows:
- Contact LAS regarding Hazmat / CBRN IOR info – Pending.
- Provide information on the next available Legal and Media aspects of Strategic Decision Making – Pending. (Likely Q1 2017)
In accordance with the requirements laid out in the National Assurance process documentation (repeated in the attached London EPRR assurance letter dated 28th July 2016), a Trust’s overall level of compliance is based on the total number of Amber and Red ratings agreed at the review.
In respect of Bromley Healthcare, for Core Standards 1-51 the Trust had 1 Amber rating;
Core Standard 49 – HAZMAT/CBRN Internal training (AMBER)
Please note that Core Standard 8 – ‘corporate and service level Business Continuity (aligned to current nationally recognised BC standards)’ was rated as Green by the Review Panel.
The National Team have confirmed that one or more Amber ratings from the Business Continuity Deep Dive review will automatically rate ‘Business continuity’ as ‘Amber’.
As a consequence, Core Standard 8 Business Continuity will now be rated as Amber, giving a total of 2 Amber ratings. .
This does alter the overall compliance rating for Bromley Healthcare.
Bromley Healthcare is assessed overall for the 2016 EPRR Assurance as – ‘Substantial’.