Bromley Healthcare is 5 years old

It’s now five years since Bromley Healthcare was established. So much has been achieved in that time and we are proud to share some of our achievements below

2011 Bromley Healthcare is established and one of the first 100 mutuals

2012 Opening of The Mottingham Leg Club. This award winning model was founded by a former district nurse and was the first of its kind in the London area. Its aim is to treat leg ulcers and associated conditions in a social environment, where patients (members) are treated collectively but the emphasis is on social interaction.

2013 Developed new website and app for Your Choice Your Voice to enable young people who live and study in and around Bromley to access all the sexual health information they need in one place.

2013 Bromely Healthcare Charity established which now supports the Baby Café, Stroke Club, Leg Club, Walking for Health and the Easy Breezy course.

2013 We started delivering services outside Bromley, beginning with Lewisham Dietetic and extending to Croydon diabetes and Bexley dietetics services in 2014

2013 We implemented new technology, including the EMIS patient record system, which enabled us to improve staff efficiency and improve care for our patients.

2014 Launched Smokefree Bromley mobile clinic which travels around the Borough to different locations offering help, advice and support from specialist advisors. The mobile clinic itself is a converted ambulance and has two separate consultation areas. The team has also developed a new website along with new branding to make it more distinctive.

2015 We combined existing teams to form the Integrated Community Teams bringing coordinated care to our patients. This meant our patients were seen more quickly and didn’t have to keep repeating their story to multiple teams.

2015 External recognition winning four awards – [Health Innovation Network South London Innovation Grant South London Innovation Grant for its ‘Making Mealtimes Matter / Innovation and Growth Award at the Bromley Business Awards / Laing and Buisson Award for Management Excellence / Team of the Year in the annual celebrating Desmond Awards]
2015 Hosted international conference on social thinking with renowned guest speaker Michelle Garcia Winner

2016 Highest Friends and Family score in London

To celebrate the occasion and mark the efforts of all our staff over the past 5 years, members of the Board visited our bases on Tuesday 5 April to deliver some celebratory cakes and fruit.

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